The Worldcon Program -- We will do better.

 23 July, 2018

I directed the Program Division to take down the preliminary program information that was released yesterday evening. There were too many errors and problems in it to leave it up.
I am sorry we slighted and angered so many of the people we are gathering to meet, honor and celebrate. This was a mistake, our mistake. We were trying to build a program reflecting the diversity of fandom and respectful of intersectionality. I am heartbroken that we failed so completely.
We are tearing the program apart and starting over. It was intended to be a reflection of the cultures, passions and experiences of Worldcon membership, with room for both new voices and old. What we released yesterday failed to do that; we must do better.
Many of you have offered to help us do a better job. Thank you. We cannot accept all those offers, but yes, we will be turning to some of you to help us do it better this time.
We will continue to reach out to the Hugo Finalists we have missed connections with, to ensure any who wish to be on the program will have a place on it.
Kevin Roche
Chair, Worldcon 76 in San Jose
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Call for Papers: Student Poster Competition

CALL FOR PAPERS: The 2018 World Science Fiction Convention ( is looking for undergraduate students, graduate students or post-doctoral scholars to participate in a poster competition on Saturday, Aug. 18. Here is an opportunity to share your research with an audience that is very interested in science, engineering and technology.

The convention will be at the San Jose McEnery Convention Center on August 16-20, 2018.

There will be a $100 prize for the poster that best communicates science to the general public. More info on the website at:

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Academic Track Award: Heinlein Society

Just announced!

Participants in the Academic Track will have a chance at winning a “Best Academic Track Paper” cash prize from The Heinlein Society.  This $250 prize will be awarded based on the presentations as given at Worldcon 76.  Given this new opportunity, we will extend the submission deadline to March 1st.

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Call for Papers: Academic Track at the 76th World Science Fiction Convention

Science fiction always plays a part in recreating our world and directing civilization's progress. While much SF takes place in a hypothetical "future," the entire body of speculative literature influences and interacts with our world—suggesting potentialities, solutions, organizational methods, alternative cultures, and paths to follow or avoid. In that spirit, the 76th World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon) in San José, California has chosen "Make the Future" for its overarching theme.

The Academic Track Committee welcomes proposals for scholarly presentations, especially those that study content tied to our "Make the Future" convention theme, such as the following examples:

  • Any and all utopian or futurist novels, short stories, comic books, or other media
  • Classic SF works that changed the direction of their era
  • Dystopian novels, comic books, and other media that portray catastrophic scenarios to prevent them from happening in reality (1984, The Handmaid's Tale, The Water Knife, Bitch Planet, etc.)
  • SF groups as progressive communities ("slan shacks," writers' colonies, online communities, etc.)
  • Ties between SF literature and socio-political movements
  • Ties between maker culture and science fiction, including DIY art and music, steampunk, deiselpunk, and any other design aesthetics 
  • Major movements in the SF genre's history
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The Worldcon 76 Program Needs You!

Are you interested in being a Program Participant?  Have a great idea for a Program Item?  Then what are you waiting for?!  Both can be submitted using our handy form here on the website.  If you are submitting a Program Item and want to be on the item, please make sure to give us your name, as the form does not automatically capture that info.

You can make panel and topic suggestions through our Program Item Submission Form

You can make program participant suggestions (including yourself) through our Program Participant Suggestion Form

 (And don't forget we're always looking for more staff and volunteers.. check out our Volunteer Page!




(PS: remember all program participants and volunteers have to be members of Worldcon 76. If you haven't yet, start your registration today by making a down payment on an attending membership!

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Service Mark Notice

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society. You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at