The Worldcon 76 Program Needs You!

Are you interested in being a Program Participant?  Have a great idea for a Program Item?  Then what are you waiting for?!  Both can be submitted using our handy form here on the website.  If you are submitting a Program Item and want to be on the item, please make sure to give us your name, as the form does not automatically capture that info.

You can make panel and topic suggestions through our Program Item Submission Form

You can make program participant suggestions (including yourself) through our Program Participant Suggestion Form

 (And don't forget we're always looking for more staff and volunteers.. check out our Volunteer Page!




(PS: remember all program participants and volunteers have to be members of Worldcon 76. If you haven't yet, start your registration today by making a down payment on an attending membership!

Position: Move-In/Move-Out Coordinator
Position: Equipment Acquisition
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Service Mark Notice

"World Science Fiction Society", "WSFS", "World Science Fiction Convention", "Worldcon", "NASFiC" and "Hugo Award" are service marks of the World Science Fiction Society, an unincorporated literary society. You can contact the WSFS Mark Protection Committee at