We continue to spotlight donations from dealers, members, and staff.

These are pretty cool, even if you don't speak French!
Donated by private collector Tim Sinniger, two limited edition French Larry Niven novels: L'anneau-Monde (Ringworld) and Le Monde Des Ptavvs (World of the Ptavvs). As we understand it, these are limited prints that would have been distributed to the collaborators in the creation of the printing. Le Monde Des Ptavvs definitely has the mark that indicates it is one of 120 such printings. Sinniger believes the L'anneau-Monde should have had the marking, but may have been missed. The French pages indicating the specifics of the print run are included below.
But what makes this cool are the color end sheets and plates showing characters and scenes from the books.
We have no idea what they will go for, but they're quite cool. Might be a bargain, might be a terrific bidding war!

Again, I hope you'll come out and support the Worldcon76 in San Jose Charity Auction, the beneficiary of which is the Alzheimer's Association. If you're a fan of fantastic art, unique collectables and just really cool stuff, there's sure to be quite a few items that you'll need to add to your collection.
Learn more about the Charity Auction and the Alzheimer's Association here.
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