Day 1Victoria B.C to Port Angeles WA.The trip began with a 4 AM call.“Steph. I don’t think I’m gonna make it”The Worldcon 76 Guest of Honour was white as a sheet and barely able to stand. It was my job to get him from Canada to San Jose in one piece and it was looking like the trip was going to be over before it began.After six hours in the emergency room, we got the all clear and Spider finally got some needed sleep. Luckily so did I.The spirit of Fandom and SF must have been watching over us, because when he woke up he was his old self and willing to try to make the trip after all. (I on the other hand was about ready to pass out from stress and worry).After a whirlwind last spasm of packing, we were on our way with A the Producer riding in the backseat down to the Black Ball Ferry.
Worldcon 76 in San Jose, the San Jose Police Department, and the McEnery Convention Center Security are aware of the protest and counter protest that are planned to occur on Saturday afternoon adjacent to the convention center plaza. The San Jose Police Department, the center, and Worldcon 76 have discussed how to ensure that these demonstrations do not impact events inside the center.
The best course of action to maximize your safety is to simply avoid engaging either the protestors or the counter protestors. We encourage our members to consider alternate routes and entrances to the convention center that avoid the front plaza on Saturday afternoon. Convention volunteers will be available to assist you in accessing the center through these alternate entrances. As with any other convention, only properly credentialed members will be allowed into our convention spaces.
If you have any questions about this you can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or during the convention come by the Ombudsman office in room 112/113 or ask any staffer and they can direct you.
We continue to spotlight donations from dealers, members, and staff
Now, if you've been watching our donation spotlights, you've seen toys, art, books, artifacts, decorations, clothes, and several other cool categories. But you may be saying to yourself, "What about jewelry?"
Well, of course we're going to have jewelry. In fact, how about jewelry from a Hugo nominated crafter?
Spring Schoenhuth of Springtime Creations has provided us with two items for you to bid on. The first is a set is "I Love Rockets"; a sterling silver tiny fat rocket earrings and pendant with 20 inch linked-heart chain. Perfect for you to wear while attending the 2018 Hugo Awards ceremony!
And second, we have a silver pendant especially for you Time Lords, the 7th Doctor's TARDIS key in sterling sliver. A modern overall design ready for a night out watching the Worldcon Masquerade.
We continue to spotlight donations from dealers, members, and staff
We're winding down to the last few days before Worldcon 76, and with that our opportunity to spotlight all the generous donations that are being made daily. While we've been able to show you many, there are still more that you'll only be able to see in the Charity Auction Exhibit starting one week from today with the opening of the convention. To summarize, the Silent Auction is a write-in bidding auction that will take place in the exhibit each day, closing Saturday the 18th at 11am. Then items that have received more than 5 bids will advance to the Voice Auction (traditional bidding) starting at 1pm in the Flex Space.
So, we're never going to catch up and be able to show you everything ahead of time, but we'll keep highlighting a few items before then. And today, we'll do a bunch!
Starting with two donations from Sheryl R. Hayes, the first being a Crochet Princess Leia doll...