LEGOTM Robot Indy WorldCup presented by Carrender Robotics
Feel like an Indy Driver? Does driving fast get you excited? Then this is the game for you! You will be driving a stylized LEGOTM Race car, through our electrifying obstacle course, using a remote-control device to speed across the finish line to the checkered flag! Interested in building your car yourself? Come build our Obstacle course.
- Sign in with us at the event for the chance to build and practice driving your remote-control LEGOTM Robot car or to build the Obstacle course.
- This game requires participants to sign up in advance.
- Limited entries available; sign up early to enter.
- You do not need to bring anything! All vehicle kits and instructions will be provided at the event.
- Vehicles will be motorized and remote controlled.
- Build time to last approximately 60 - 90 minutes depending on number of entries.
- Game play to last approximately 45 minutes depending on number of entries.
- Ages categories: KFOL, TFOL, AFOL.
- Check the schedule for Game play time. Games are currently scheduled for Saturday at 2pm and Sunday at noon.
- Free Apps can be preloaded on your Smartphone devices. Look for “NXT Simple Remote”, “NXT Remote Control”, or “EV3 Simple Remote”. Bluetooth capability required. There are other apps available but we can guarantee these will work.
- Winners will be awarded a prize.
- Game Coordinator: Eva Carrender, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information.

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Robot Races Game Description – WorldCon 2018
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