We continue to spotlight donations from dealers, members, and staff.

You're either a fan, or you're not...
We have to acknowledge The Simpsons as being one of the most exhaustive referencer of science fiction and fandom, slavishly incorporating everything from fannish obsessions, to show parodies to celebrity "appearances." It is one of the few cartoons that you can use the phrase "back around the turn of the century" to reference events in the still active series. So, "back around the turn of the century" there was a Simpsons promotion where 7-11 Stores were temporarily converted to Springfield's signature Kwik-E-Marts, complete with food products from the show. It went fast, and there was no more made afterwards.
This donation is a near-mint box (cereal has been removed, yes but you wouldn't have wanted to eat it) featuring Frosted Krusty O's. You know your collection of obscure fannish show props won't be complete without it!
Again, I hope you'll come out and support the Worldcon76 in San Jose Charity Auction, the beneficiary of which is the Alzheimer's Association. If you're a fan of fantastic art, unique collectables and just really cool stuff, there's sure to be quite a few items that you'll need to add to your collection.
Learn more about the Charity Auction and the Alzheimer's Association here.